
IT Services
With the advancement of the digital world, credit unions and community banks are still very high on the ladder of risk for cybercrimes. A report by Statista shows that between 2019 and 2023, the number of data compromise incidents involving financial institutions increased by over 330%. This presents a need for greater scrutiny on cybersecurity...
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Recently, the cybersecurity environment has been radically changing due to the appearance of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS). This has made it easier for even the novice hackers to get into organizations’ networks and deploy complex ransomware. Being a New York-based cybersecurity solutions company, it is our duty to bring awareness to this emerging menace and its consequences....
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Given the updated release of NIST CSF 2.0, now security managers must not only detect, protect, respond and recover; they also have to manage. Most of the CISO’s C-Suite partners are already managing with a proprietary management platform, while the CISO’s team is still struggling with fragmented data, spreadsheets, and perhaps consulting firms creating more...
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It’s been two years since the new version of PCI DSS, Version 4.0, was released. Payment card industry members have just over a year to comply with the new requirements, which require 64 new requirements to be implemented by the end of March 2025 at the latest.  The new version is the last authorized version...
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The Role of CISO and Is it Exclusive to Big Companies-
Organizations face an ever-growing array of cyber threats that can compromise their sensitive data, disrupt operations, and damage their reputation. As the custodian of cybersecurity within an organization, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) plays a critical role in safeguarding digital assets and protecting against cyber threats. In this blog post, we’ll explore the essential...
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Nvaigating digital trends
The year 2024 promises to be a pivotal year in the realm of digital security, with innovations and challenges that reshape how individuals and organizations safeguard their data. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key cybersecurity trends that will dominate the scene in 2024. Zero Trust Architecture: Redefining Perimeter Security The traditional concept of...
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In a world increasingly reliant on technology, the importance of cybersecurity has never been more pronounced. Cyber threats lurk around every virtual corner, waiting for an opportunity to exploit vulnerabilities and wreak havoc. This is where cybersecurity training and awareness come into play, serving as the first line of defense against an array of digital...
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Vulnerability within Cybersecurity In the field of cybersecurity, where sophisticated software fortifications, firewalls, and encryption rule supreme, human error emerges as a less well-known but no less dangerous foe. The people using these systems continue to be the weakest link in cybersecurity despite the tremendous developments in technology. This article analyzes how human mistake affects...
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Organizations are facing a new breed of challenges that demand innovative solutions. Among these challenges, cyber threats stand out as a relentless force, targeting sensitive information, disrupting operations, and causing financial losses. As the battle between cyber attackers and defenders rages on, a key weapon has emerged in the arsenal of organizations: employee cybersecurity training...
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evolution of ransomware
In the ever-expanding landscape of cyber threats, ransomware attacks have emerged as a formidable menace, causing havoc for individuals, businesses, and governments. The evolution of these attacks has been relentless, with cybercriminals constantly refining their methods to exploit vulnerabilities and maximize profits. In this blog, we delve into the history of ransomware, its evolution over...
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Compciti May 23
In today’s interconnected digital landscape, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. With each passing year, the threat posed by viruses and malware continues to grow. As we enter midway into 2023, it is crucial to stay informed about the most dangerous virus and malware threats that can compromise our personal data, financial security, and...
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Businesses frequently use social media as a tool online for communication with consumers, clients, suppliers, and other companies. It is used to manage the business, pay employees, and conduct financial transactions with customers. However, social media and the internet carry risks that companies should be aware of because they could have an adverse effect on...
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Threats are continuously changing, and the cybersecurity environment is also evolving. Stakes are high in the banking and financial sector because large sums of money are at risk, and there is a chance that banks and other financial systems will be compromised, which could cause significant economic disruption. New opportunities, however, bring with them new...
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Threats are continuously changing, and the cybersecurity environment is also evolving. Stakes are high in the banking and financial sector because large sums of money are at risk, and there is a chance that banks and other financial systems will be compromised, which could cause significant economic disruption. New opportunities, however, bring with them new...
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laptop and lock
While combining networks and security may follow the principle of “less is more,” cybercriminals still appear to follow the general principle of “more is more.” Additionally, we see “more” at every turn as we examine our threat forecasts for 2023 and beyond. Cybercriminals are figuring out ways to weaponize new technologies on a large scale...
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revisit a remakable
Without making it personal, 2022 has been a challenging year for cybersecurity around the globe. Russia’s cyberattacks on Ukraine were the beginning of it, and it eventually turned into a full-fledged kinetic conflict between the two nations. Many of us in the cybersecurity profession were called to new challenges, fighting deep in the trenches to...
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how hackers use push notifications
Mobile push MFA is an evolution of SMS authentication that doesn’t depend on carrier data and can also work via Wi-Fi. It’s arguably the most secure route we’ve covered here because it directly connects to the application receiving the push information. Mobile Push gives a better user experience by allowing them to either grant or...
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What is Cybersecurity Awareness Month?   In October 2004, the Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance initiated the first Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Cybersecurity Awareness Month was started to assist Americans in being careful and safe as the Internet was becoming crucial to our lives. This month is celebrated to enlighten our...
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Ransomware gangs are not only targeting Windows but Linux devices and ESXi as well. According to a report by Kaspersky, ransomware groups are increasingly modifying their code to cross-platform programming languages such as Rust or Golang. They are focusing on six programming languages so that their malware can attack devices running different operating systems other...
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A new report of Lumen Technologies discovers hackers are targeting Wi-Fi routers to get access to all of your connected gadgets. The report came from Black Lotus Lab which is a security department of Lumen Technologies. It all began at the start of the pandemic in the year 2020 when millions of people started working...
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globe image
The month of June is acknowledged as Internet Safety Month and it’s dedicated to encouraging online safety. This month brings a remarkable opportunity to become better digital citizens, by protecting yourself from possible harmful online activities. What Is National Internet Safety Month? The National Internet Safety Month is an annual initiative mainly devoted to informing...
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Efficiency is an important factor that specifies how the business is performing and it may be achieved when the technology is effectively managed.  Selecting managed IT support is crucial to ensure there are no discrepancies and delayed execution. This is where a managed service provider jumps in. Different organizations have various IT requirements and a...
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The ultimate objective of multi-factor authentication is to identify users and ensure the protection of data from other unauthorized users. Multi-factor authentication verifies the consumer’s identity in multiple phases using several modes. So, it gives another covering of safety from just the login credentials. The process builds layered security that makes it tougher for an...
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Last year, cyber criminals targeting cryptocurrency and traditional bank accounts ramped up their unlawful activities, resulting in a large spike in recorded SIM-card offences.  In 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation received more than 1,600 SIM-swap accusations, resulting in $68 million in losses.  The surge is due in part to cyber thieves finding a way...
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IT Support New York
Data-breach and cybersecurity threats are on the rise. Cyber criminals are exploiting technological vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive electronic data. These criminals are causing severe financial, reputation, legal and regulatory losses to organizations. The impact is not just limited to businesses, millions of customers are equally affected as their private data including Social Security...
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IT Solutions New York
New York City, often recognized as the financial capital of the world has been on the headline for numerous cyberattacks in the past few years. Most industries have seen a rise in cybercrime cases, however, financial services industry has been viciously targeted in particular. Sensitive information, heavy reliance on computer network for operations and capital-rich...
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Here we are again, writing about yet another major email breach. This time it is nearly 773 million email accounts that have been comprised. A giant collection of email addresses and passwords were recently leaked online in what is being termed as the “Collection #1” breach. An estimated 772,904,991 unique email addresses and more than 21 million passwords were posted on an online hacking forum. What is unique about this instance is the fact that data didn’t originate from a single source, instead, they were leaked from over 2000 databases. This makes it even more complex to trace the origin of the breach. It is reported that the hackers were able to crack the security layer or “hashes” that prevent passwords from being visible. This is touted as a highly sophisticated breach which is sure to raise further alarms on data security measures and protocols followed by email service providers. Unlike Ransomware where the hackers demand ransom in exchange of decrypting hacked data, Collection #1 data were neither put up on sale nor did the hackers reach-out to compromised users for ransom. The hacked data was first published on Mega, a cloud hosting site which was later taken down. The email address and passwords were then posted on a public hacking site. In a separate but related incident, it is reported that the Oklahoma Securities Commission has been struck by a massive data breach in which sensitive FBI information, emails and several social security numbers have been compromised. The last few years have been marred with data breach incidents and the trend continues to unravel its vicious attack on data integrity. The pertinent question is when do we say enough is enough? Is it only the governing bodies’ responsibility to fight against this waging cyberwar or should the business world be equally responsible and start taking standard security measures to better protect themselves? Unfortunately, many businesses still don’t invest much or at all in having security measures in place. Businesses should implement some Do-It-Yourself (DIY) measures to protect themselves, including: • This may sound rudimentary, but having a strong password with special characters and random lettering makes the email more secure and difficult for hackers to predict. • Use two-tier authentication to add an extra layer of protection. • Look out for phishing emails that are a common way for hackers to pretend to be someone else and steal sensitive data. • Educate your workforce to be aware of common symptoms and preventative measures such as to not open attachments without scanning them, avoiding public WIFI, being attentive to spam emails, etc. • Install a robust spam filter, malware system and strong firewall. Businesses should also consider hiring email security experts to develop and implement an extensive email security program. It costs a fraction of what it would otherwise in the event of a data compromise. Businesses must treat this as an investment, instead of an expense. Amongst other fundamental email security tasks, the security program should also include advance security measures like: • Dark Web breach assessment to proactively monitor the dark web for any compromised account data • Cloud sandboxing such as Capture ATP for additional layer of protection • Routine phishing simulation for enhanced preparedness • Regular security risk assessment exercises to identify vulnerabilities and treating them • Written security policies and protocols with regular workforce training Cyberattacks continue to be a menace and businesses must include cybersecurity program as part of their business operations. Proactive preventative measures are a cost-effective way of protecting your business against the next looming cyberattack.
Here we are again, writing about yet another major email breach. This time it is nearly 773 million email accounts that have been comprised. A giant collection of email addresses and passwords were recently leaked online in what is being termed as the “Collection #1” breach. An estimated 772,904,991 unique email addresses and more than...
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Computer Repair Service in New York
There is a lot of talk in the corporate world regarding data security and management. Regulations and compliance are introduced to standardize data security measures to combat rising cyberattacks. However, in the midst of all these crucial awareness drive surrounding data security, one critical aspect gets marginally overlooked, i.e. proper disposal of electronic devices. We...
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Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is no longer the future of technology, it is the present! From personal data like photos and videos to business information like email, documents and websites, Cloud is being extensively used to manage, store and share data. Businesses across the globe have embraced cloud computing for its ease of setting-up, affordability and scalability....
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It is now becoming ever so ordinary to hear about a new cyberattack affecting businesses nationally and globally on a regular basis. And when we hear about these attacks, we are quick to assume that some foreign entities are behind these attacks. However, the matter of fact is that often it is an insider’s act....
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23 NYCRR 500
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A new Malware is making headlines again called, the VPNMalware! The malware is infecting home and small business routers at an alarming rate that is estimated to be over 500,00 routers. The Impact VPNMalware is capable of monitoring and stealing data rendering through the affected router. Several malfunction and device impairment has been reported citing...
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SOX Compliance Meeting Image
Sarbanes-Oxley Act’s compliance requirements for publicly listed companies have been around for a while and still many organizations still struggle to fully comply. Most companies either underestimate or simply do not realize the magnitude of task in hand required to fulfill compliance requirements, particularly with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Compliance with Section...
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Cybersecurity Plan
Following a proper security plan protects companies’ employee information, reduces cyberthreats, and maintains organizations’ reputation.  It also allows companies to analyze their network and ensure true end-to-end security. A security roadmap provides a clear security plan to achieve set goals. A good security plan should include costs and objectives and should monitor all aspects of...
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CEO Fraud Email Attack
What is CEO Fraud email attack? CEO fraud occurs when the scammer spoof company email accounts and send out emails impersonating C level executives to employees in finance/account or HR department, for wire transfer to a bank account that thought to belong to trusted partners or to share sensitive information. FBI calls this emerging financial...
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Cyber Secure Holidays (1)
Anyone who connects to the Internet can become a victim of cybercrime, whether via e-mail, social media, a Google search, phone call, text message or simply by logging on to a computer. Today’s world is more interconnected than ever before, someone sitting at any corner of the world can interfere your business/job and can shut...
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Computer Consultant in New York
Finding a reliable computer consultant in New York has never been more important – or complex. Modern IT systems, advanced cybersecurity needs, and growing integration with other services and software platforms means that your computer consultant should actually be a team of specialists focusing on their own key areas. That could prove to be expensive...
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Disaster Recovery Service in New York
Data loss. There are few things as detrimental – and frightening – to a business or organization. Sales and transactions, customer data, sensitive information… data is the lifeblood of what we do. Yet many organizations in New York do not have proper backup and disaster recovery plans in place. Should the worst happen, their data...
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Managed IT Services in New York
Avoid Lost Productivity to Unexpected Tech Issues Why are managed IT services in New York so important? Here’s a scenario. A couple of your staff members arrive at their desks Monday morning, as usual. What’s not usual though is that they can’t log into the system. They don’t have network access, there’s no connection to...
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Disaster Recovery Service in New York
It’s heart-stopping – the moment you realize you’ve just lost crucial company data due to a power outage or some other disaster. Business orders, payment receipts, annual reports, bank statements, client and customer contacts, sales, inventory tracking – all gone. Situations like this happen in New York every day. Perhaps they’ve even happened to you....
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Viruses. Hackers. Data theft. Ransomware. These are just a few of the growing list of cyber threats facing small and medium businesses (SMBs) today. It’s also why so many companies are looking for a professional cybersecurity service in New York. Here are a few reasons why hiring a reliable cyber security service makes good business...
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managed services new york
Can you save time and money by managing your own IT systems? Chances are, no. Yet every day, small business owners in New York are trying to do exactly that. Not only is it an inefficient way to manage their IT, it takes away from what they should really be focusing on: their core business....
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Many businesses find that they should focus better on core business strategies and market growth by letting their IT infrastructure to a managed IT service provider (MSP) in New York. Usually, businesses pay more attention to all the day to day operations like business applications, maintenance, email services, contract management and more. However, companies can...
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CompCiti Business Solutions Inc., one of the premier IT consultants in New York, provides its clients with considerable industry experience to ensure a wide range of IT services. CompCiti takes a whole-business approach to IT, combining technical skills with a solid understanding of business goals and strong interpersonal skills to ensure every project goes smoothly....
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When it comes to running a business nevertheless of its size, IT support services is necessary; if you really want your day to day business operations go on smoothly. After all, you don’t want to have to run to put out fire every time whenever you have any technical issue. Hence, it will be best...
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Definition of Managed Services: Managed IT services can be defined as any practice of outsourcing day-to-day IT management functions and responsibilities (including maintenance and monitoring, for example) as a strategic approach to improve operations and cut expenses. Here are some of the best reasons why switching to managed IT services in New York makes sense...
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In New York, just about every business needs IT services. Most rely upon their networks, database systems, and computers for a whole range of business tasks including point of sales, customer relationship management, and ecommerce. But what if your computer systems broke down or glitched at just the wrong time? Have you thought about what...
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Information technology. Networks. Database management. Business owners know these can be powerful tools for helping them get the edge, especially in a competitive marketplace such as New York. However, like any tool, it only works if it’s used properly. That’s why choosing the right IT consulting service to help you manage and maintain your IT...
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Server Maintenance Service Keeps Things Running Smoothly We all know what happens when the network goes down – your business grinds to a complete stop. But did you know that most of these problems are avoidable with a good server maintenance plan? For too many companies in New York, emphasis on their network system ends...
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As the innovation and progress of information technology take place every day, many business owners in New York prefer to use it to their own advantage. Using the right  IT consulting service in New York allows them improve their business performance by getting an efficient and organized setting for their operational activities. It  involves qualifying...
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Let’s begin with this question: what are managed services? When an organization opts for managed service, the service provider handles oversight and support of a client’s network and associated applications under the terms and guidelines of a service level agreement (SLA). The SLA details an organization’s unique technology requirements and the IT plan developed to...
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Today it is critical for every business—enterprise, non-profit, or corporate—to have an IT infrastructure and services that optimize performance and profitability.  Companies in New York often must face challenging conditions and must navigate risks to perform at peak levels, be competitive, and remain profitable.  Technology is a fundamental asset in any market.  Business networks, computer...
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For every business in New York it is important to opt for a dependable computer service and support that will ensure secured computer networks and workstations. It can be said that companies looking for computer support or repair services should take into consideration a few things, which will help in getting best solution, such as:...
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Is your computer running slow? Do you face problem while downloading media or other type of files? Well, these symptoms indicate that your computer may be in need of upgrades for the CPU, memory or the hard drive. Currently, the organizations and information technology has become extremely sophisticated; so it requires a computer consulting and...
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In the current business market, employers are always trying to find ways to save more money, from finding the innovative ways of advertising to shoring up the internet with the great deals on business equipment. Network and computer maintenance are not the one; which should be overlooked. Now it’s essential to find someone to fix...
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IT services are key to the performance of each business organization, no matter small or large. With growingly challenging business conditions, corporate and small businesses in New York often feel the pressure to handle their resources effectively and run their business systems at optimal level in order to drive higher revenue than their challengers. From...
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Well, natural disasters are quite sudden and unpredictable occurences. These unexpected events hold the potential to intiate some serious problems. Likewise natural calamities, disaster can offer also major impact on the productivity of your organization. Diaster Recovery Is a Complicated Procedure Data resources of a particular company grow as the time passes by. Now-a-days many...
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As you know the information technology has truly transformed the world, especially in the business sector. Today, cloud computing is considered to be the best tool for IT professionals as it is the most affordable, quicker, safer and portable option for all type of organizations, it doesn’t matter whether they’re small, medium or large sized...
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An effective computing setting in your New York office it is important to seek out a prompt troubleshoot for all technical problems. In this case you require an expert desktop support analyst in New York, who will effectively diagnose and timely resolve all technical issues. Getting assistance from desktop support analyst in New York will...
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Are you looking for a company providing desktop support service in New York? Choosing a desirable company to service your technology can be a tedious task. That means you have to find someone to trim your company hedges. It’s due to the fact that you are going to give access to all of the sensitive...
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The natives of New York City are seen to be more tech savvy than other parts of the world. Almost all of them have been using computer technology these days. None of them can be expected to tolerate even a small technical problem as it can disrupt their lives and hamper their work. With the...
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Well, computer upgrades are the quite easy processes to execute; generally most people can do it on their own. But, there might be some concerns; where you can’t deal with this. So there, our reputable computer upgrade service in New York will come into the picture. However, using our service can be cost-effective; but it...
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